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Ring Kit 0.30

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Replaces: Mercruiser: 39-822321A2, 822321A2


Engine models: LoopCharge V-6 60º, 6 cyl V140 Jet (Serial: 0G760300-0T178499), 6 cyl XR6 (Serial: 0D082000-1B226999), 6 cyl MAGIII (Serial: 0D082000-1B226999), 6 cyl 150 XRI (Serial: 0D082000-0G303045), 6 cyl 175 XRI (Serial: 0D000750-0G303045), 6 cyl V175 2.5L (Serial: 0D082000-0G960499), 6 cyl 200 XRI (Serial: 0C291520-0G303045), 6 cyl V200 2.5L (Serial: 0D082000-1B226999), 6 cyl V200 2.5L (Serial: 0C291520-0D081999), 6 cyl V200 EFI (Serial: 0G303046-0T408999)

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  Shipment and delivery

3 and 5 days withing the EU, up to 10 days elsewhere.

  Return policy

Can be returned or exchanged, with conditions.

Model / OEM: 39-822321A12

Connecting rod: 644-818141

Brand: Recmar

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