Replaces: 65L-24563-00 (Yamaha), 15412-93J00 (Suzuki)
F200 (2002-06)
F150 (2004-06)
225FETO (2003)
L/250B (1997-2003)
DF300T-Z (2007-11)
DF200 / DF225 / DF250 (2004-11)
Replaces: 35-877565T1
25HP 4T (1998+)
30HP 4T (99-01)
30HP 3cyl. 4T (99-01)
40HP 4T (98-01)
40HP 4cyl. 4T (01-02)
40 Carb. 3cyl. 4T (2002+)
50HP 4cyl. 4T (01-02)
60HP - 75HP 4T (2000+)
90HP 4T (2000+)
3 and 5 days withing the EU, up to 10 days elsewhere.
Can be returned or exchanged, with conditions.