Engine:430B,431B with drive SP-C, DP-C.
Engine:501B,570A with drive SP-A,SP-A1,SP-A2,SP-C,DP-A,DP-A1,DP-A2,DP-C.
Engine:572A with drive SP-C,DP-C.
Engine: 740A with drive DP-B,DP-B1,DP-C.
Engine:740B with drive DP-C
Engine: 432A with drive SP-C1, DP-C1
Engine:434A with drive SP-C1,DP-C1
Engine:500B with drive SP-C1,DP-C1,DP-D1
Engine:501B with drive SP-C1,DP-C1,DP-D1
Engine:570A with drive SP-C1,DP-C1, DP-D1
Engine:572A with drive SP-C1,DP-C1,DP-D1
Engine:740B with drive SP-C1,DP-C1,DP-D1
3 and 5 days withing the EU, up to 10 days elsewhere.
Can be returned or exchanged, with conditions.